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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-01-10
只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-01-13
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"The past decade has witnessed the proportion of China's trade volume in the world's total rise from 4.3 percent to 10.4 percent," said Chong Quan, deputy representative for China's international trade talks and former assistant to the minister of commerce, at a press conference on Wednesday. \7WZFh%:  
The total value of China's imports and exports reached 2.97 trillion U.S. dollars in 2010, 144 times as much as in 1978 when the country initiated its reform and opening up policy, averaging an annual growth of 16.8 percent, according to the white paper.,abercrombie,快好了吧,whether that will lead to internal reform PmA_cP7~  
"The past decade has witnessed the proportion of China's trade volume in the world's total rise from 4.3 percent to 10.4 percent," said Chong Quan, deputy representative for China's international trade talks and former assistant to the minister of commerce, at a press conference on Wednesday. _| >bOI  
The total value of China's imports and exports reached 2.97 trillion U.S. dollars in 2010, 144 times as much as in 1978 when the country initiated its reform and opening up policy, averaging an annual growth of 16.8 percent, according to the white paper.,coach outlet,就可以吃些东西了,慢慢就可以不用吃奶,franklin marshall,呵呵,我盼着这一天呢,好可以减减肥,louboutin pas cher, 72\o6{BiC  
"The past decade has witnessed the proportion of China's trade volume in the world's total rise from 4.3 percent to 10.4 percent," said Chong Quan, deputy representative for China's international trade talks and former assistant to the minister of commerce, at a press conference on Wednesday. /t04}+,e ^  
The total value of China's imports and exports reached 2.97 trillion U.S. dollars in 2010, 144 times as much as in 1978 when the country initiated its reform and opening up policy, averaging an annual growth of 16.8 percent, according to the white paper.。 S~ZRqL7Z O  
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